BACON IN THE NEWS starts with a bang this week. Apparently, a young woman (I was going to say 'lady', but what kind of lady would waste a whole pound of bacon) tried to kill her boyfriend by cooking bacon and then leaving the house! The idea was that the bacon would burn, set the house on fire, and kill the boyfriend. Looks like the young man "woke up and smelled the bacon" burning, so he didn't die. Get this: her name is Cameo Crispi. You can't make this stuff up. Crispi tries to murder boyfriend with bacon. Click HERE to read the original article, or just see her picture and quotes below.
"A woman named Cameo Crispi tried to set her ex-boyfriend's home on fire by burning a pound of bacon, police have said.
The 31-year-old mother from Uintah County, Utah was arrested on March 14 and has been charged with arson.
Her arrest came after her ex-boyfriend called Naples police to say that he had received numerous phone calls and texts from Crispi in just an hour and wanted her to stop, charging documents said."
IN MORE NEWS, Nabisco has just released a new Bacon Flavored Ritz Cracker. Here's a picture, appropriately framed with my bacon pan in the background. These crackers are excellent, with a hint of
smokiness, and a good, solid, but not overpowering, flavor of bacon.
It's totally artificial bacon, and is Kosher, since it has the OU symbol - an inspection by the Orthodox Union, the most strict and the largest certifying organization. See the OU symbol description here and the Ritz announcement here. The crackers also have the "D" symbol, indicating that it's a dairy product, with no meat in it.
An interesting Jerusalem Post article discusses how the Rabbinical community is a little confused and fascinated by the product. I particularly like the Ritz announcement:
Two American Favorites Collide To Become the Ultimate Snack: RITZ Bacon Crackers
"RITZ recognized America's love for the taste of bacon and wanted to help take bacon flavor to places it's never been before," said Katrina Cohen, Senior Brand Manager of RITZ, Mondelez International. "RITZ Crackers are an American favorite, and pairing them with one of America's most popular, savory flavors is an exciting new step for snacks."
I WAS TRAVELING THIS WEEK ON BUSINESS to Orlando, FL. I didn't see Mickey, but I did eat at a fantastic restaurant called Eddie V's, on West Sand Lake Road. Out-of-this-world steak and seafood.
Naturally, I had their bacon, crab and corn chowder, which picture appears at the top of this week's post.
We also shared an awesome raw-bar seafood tower. All compliments of our host, Denise of NEPS - the virtual, cloud-based solution for Customer Communications Management (CCM) - a high reliability, low cost, high service way for enterprises to solve the CCM problem.

ON TO THE BACON OF THE WEEK. This week I cooked up a new-er form of my favorite brand: Oscar Mayer. They have a product line they call "OM Selects" and this one is their "Smoked Uncured Bacon". There was almost no scent out of the package.
Package weight: 12 ounces; net pre-cooked was actually 11.8; post-cooking 3.2 ounces. I didn't measure the bacon fat, although it appeared quite low.
In the pan, after achieving room temperature, the bacon did emit a faint smoky aroma. It cooked FAST - so fast in fact, I overcooked it. This warrants a re-do, no question about it. The bacon was also very thin on one side, and normal thickness on the other - a quality control problem, no doubt.
Crispiness, due to the overcooking, was around 4.5; succulence, I'll rate at 3.5 (there was some curl and shrinkage); and flavor, about 3. Even though a little burned, it's an above average bacon. I'll try it again in the future and pay more attention!